Saturday, June 02, 2018

HYMN: O God, Within Your Dwelling Place

For my 800th post, I thought I would share a hymn that I've written for a special occasion. My second congregation here in Southern Illinois, Bethel Lutheran Church in Du Quoin, will be celebrating an anniversary this year. I can't remember the number offhand--80, 85, 90? But as I did for St. Peter in Campbell Hill when they celebrated their 125th anniversary, I wanted to mark the occasion with an original hymn text. This one is a play on the Bethel name, "Bethel" meaning "house of God." I've already shown it to the Bethel voters, so I decided I could share it here now instead of waiting for the anniversary service. Let me know what you think. Feedback is love.

O God, Within Your Dwelling Place

 1. O God, within Your dwelling place,
This Bethel, here you share Your grace
With sinners bought with Jesus’ blood:
Rich mercy in a lavish flood.

2. Wash us in that baptismal tide
Which flows from Christ’s own piercéd side.
Then bring us back unto the font
As we confess the sins that haunt.

3. Speak absolution, Gospel sweet,
Through messengers with lovely feet.
Teach us Your Word, that we may cling
To Christ alone, our Savior King.

4. Feed us with Christ, our risen Head, 
In consecrated wine and bread,
And in that sacred wedding Feast
Unite us all, both great and least.

5. Oh, make us Bethel. Dwell within 
The hearts which You set free from sin.
Speak peace, then send us on our way
To love our neighbor ev’ry day.

∆ 6. Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host:
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

© 2018 Alan Kornacki, Jr. (v.6 Thomas Ken)
L M 
Occasion: Congregation Anniversary, Opening of Service

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