My eldest child, Alexis, turned sixteen today. It's so odd to think of her that way, since I sometimes still think of her as the little six year-old girl I met in person the day before I asked her mother to marry me. She's grown quite a bit since then. It began with me being so scared of her that I was treating her with kid gloves--except, of course, for the time she got a scrape on her knee and I brought out a hacksaw and asked her if I could cut it off for her and make her feel better. (I swear it was funny at the time, and I wouldn't have actually done it, of course. Really.) I can't put into words...
Well, maybe I can. I gave her a gift today. It was supposed to be a song--I have a melody line and everything, but I don't have the instrumental skill to add music to it--but it works as a poem. It's only words, but it's a start. And I like to think she already knew all this, but it's good to say these things anyway. So...yeah, here it is.
The Chance to Call You Mine
When I met your mom, I knew
she had a daughter
And it scared me 'cause I
didn't know what kind of dad I'd be.
But I loved her, and I knew
you came together
As a package deal—a
two-for-one—where one plus one makes three.
Before I asked her hand in
marriage, first I asked for your permission.
Did you know how much
depended on your single word that day?
But your tears of joy were
for us all as we became a family—
A mom and dad and daughter.
It was meant to be that way.
I don't know how a father couldn't want you,
I'm glad I've had the chance to call you mine.
through the years, as you've become a woman,
see the love between us as a sign
God can make a family
broken hearts and dreams.
will is always stronger
our human plots and schemes.
might not be how we would plan,
still it's God's design.
although you're not my child by blood
proud to call you mine.
may not be the way I planned,
still it's His design.
So I
thank God for the chance He gave—
chance to call you mine.
© 2013, Alan Kornacki, Jr.