Sunday, July 16, 2023

Sermon for 7/16/23: Sixth Sunday After Trinity

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The Perfect Life

Exodus 20:1-17


Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.



Imagine a world in which everyone gave honor and praise and glory solely to our God and Father in heaven. Everyone would be united in perfect love, receiving true love from God, honoring His name. We would pray in perfect unity and never misuse God’s name to promote lies. We would find spiritual rest together by receiving the Word of God in pure faith, never doubting His goodness. Parents and other authorities would be respected and obeyed. There would be no fighting, no murdering, no abortion, no euthanasia, and no hatred. Marriage would be between one man and one woman, and every couple would remain faithful to their vows. Theft would be unknown. Nobody would deal in lies or gossip, and we would be happy recounting the many good and wonderful things others have done. Everyone would be content with what he had and would not try to take advantage of his neighbor. What a wonderful world this would be, if only we would obey the Ten Commandments.

You don’t need to be a Christian to see this. People who don’t know Christ still know that a good life is a life of humility, mercy, purity, generosity, self-control, and faithfulness. People have by nature a basic understanding of God’s Law, and we call that knowledge “conscience.” God’s Law is written on the hearts of all people. It resonates with people of every religion. They know that these commandments are just; if we would only obey them, we would be living righteous lives.

The Law and the Gospel are the two main teachings of God’s Word. The Law, which we just heard summarized, tells us what we must do if we are to enjoy God’s blessings. The Gospel, which is revealed in Christ alone, tells us what Christ has done to win for us God’s eternal blessings. The Law shows us our sins and rightly condemns us for them; the Gospel shows us our Savior and gives us forgiveness of sins. The Law must be preached to sinners who hold on to their sins and refuse to repent of them. The Gospel must be preached to those who admit their sins and want to be rid of them. The Law can only accuse and condemn. The Gospel always forgives and saves.

We need to hear both of these. Without the Law, we cannot know or learn of our need for a Savior. Only when our sins have been exposed to our conscience can we receive through faith the forgiveness of sins that God gives us in Christ Jesus. The Law that God gave Israel on Mount Sinai is not what set Israel free—not from slavery in Egypt, nor from bondage to sin and death. Not one of us present today can perfectly keep God’s Law, and only in perfect obedience to the righteous Law of God would we be able to save ourselves.

This is why St. Paul calls us back to our Baptism: we live holy lives only as we are joined to the death and resurrection of Christ in Holy Baptism. God washes away our sins. This is how He sets us free. He places His name upon us in Holy Baptism. He kills our sinful flesh, drowning the Old Adam within us. He removes our sins from us as far as East is from West. It is precisely when you recognize your inability to keep God’s Law and place your trust instead in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus that you begin to do what the Ten Commandments tell you to do.

So look at these commandments God has given to you. Does your life correspond to what God says in these commandments? It does not. Do you perfectly love God? Do you perfectly love your neighbor? Of course not. So repent. Return to your Baptism, where you will find the righteousness that exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees. It is the righteousness of Christ. It is reckoned to you. Jesus is your God; He is your brother and your Redeemer. He obeyed the law you disobeyed; He suffered the death you deserved for your sins. This good news, this Gospel, is God’s Word to you. It is His Word to you when your heart condemns you because the Law rightly judges you to be a sinner. The Gospel silences the judgment of the Law. Of course you can’t perfectly obey, so Christ did it for you.

Listen to the Gospel. Cling to your Savior with all the might you possess. Cling to your Baptism. Because you have been washed and covered with the baptismal robe of your Savior’s perfect righteousness, God sees none of your sins. Christ has covered them with His blood. He looks at you, and all God sees is His own dear child who pleases Him in body and soul. That’s the life of the Christian. It is the life God has given us in Holy Baptism, and it is a life worth living. In the name of the Father and of the Son (+) and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


The peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus always. Amen.

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