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“Fear Not!”
Luke 2:1-20
Grace to you and peace from
God our Father and from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
The command, “Fear not!” appears 170 times in the King James Version of the Bible. It seems as if man needs constant reassurance from the Lord. But that makes sense. After all, man was not created to be fearful. Adam and Eve were the crown of God’s creation. Into their hands God gave mastery over every plant and animal—indeed, He gave them mastery over all of creation—so Adam and Eve had nothing to fear from creatures or plants that would send us fleeing in terror. They knew nothing of serial killers or terrorists. They had no need to worry about the forces of nature. And they knew nothing of sin or death. It wasn’t until they disobeyed the Word of God—until they were goaded by the satanic serpent to doubt the Law of God and partake of the forbidden fruit—that they knew what fear was. They hid themselves in the Garden, sewing garments to cover the shame they had never felt before. They finally knew fear—and it was neither the beasts nor the plants that caused this fear. It was in their sin that they came to fear God. Adam said, “I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.”
In disobeying the Word of God, in partaking of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, humanity learned how to be afraid…and we’ve been afraid ever since. We’re afraid of snakes and mice and spiders and lions and tigers and bears. We’re afraid of ice storms, hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes, too much rain and not enough rain. We’re afraid of the pains in our bodies and the ailments that afflict our minds. And, most of all, like Adam and Eve, we are terrified of the righteous wrath and justice of a holy, righteous, omnipotent God.
It is to His fearful children that God sends His messengers. Angels appear to Mary and Joseph, to Zechariah, to shepherds, and to countless others in the Bible. But these are holy messengers of God who manifest His power and holiness, who reflect divine righteousness; and sinners cringe and fall on their faces before the holiness of God. So before they can share God’s Gospel message with them, the angels must tell their hearers, “Fear not!” Do not be afraid. I’m here with good news for you from God! To Zechariah the angel gives the joyful message that his son John, who would be born to him and his wife when they were beyond childbearing age, would prepare the way for the Savior promised to Adam and Eve. He would proclaim the salvation and peace God would bring to His people through the forgiveness of their sins. He would point to Jesus and proclaim, “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” To Mary and Joseph, the angels gave the message that they would be the earthly parents of the promised Savior. And then, finally, the angels told the shepherds of the birth of their promised Savior, the one who would bring peace on earth and God’s good will to the fear-filled hearts of sinners by bearing the price of the sins of all mankind on the terrible, terrifying cross.
Sending angels is no longer God’s preferred method of delivering the good news of Jesus and salvation to His people. But He hasn’t stopped sending messengers. Instead of sending angels who instill fear just by their appearance, He now sends humble, sinful men. Even so, their message is the same: “Do not be afraid!” You no longer have any reason to fear the righteous wrath of God, for your Savior, Jesus—who is Immanuel, God in the flesh—has come, and He has suffered and died for you, bearing that wrath in your place. He rose up in triumph, leaving your fear behind in the tomb, so you would be free to “serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of [your] life.”
Today, the angel’s song with the Christmas Gospel has made it into your ears, too. Repent of your sin. Come out of your gloom. Leave behind your despair. Give up your loneliness. Wipe away your tears. Part ways with your fears and doubts. The heavens once again declare to mankind the glory and majesty of the eternal Son of God! Emmanuel, God in flesh, rests in His manger throne. He has come to make His dwelling place among us. And He has come for everyone. He did not come merely for mighty Caesar. He did not come merely for the powerful King or Governor. He did not come merely for the rich and fanous. He has come for Mary and Joseph; He has come for Zechariah and Elizabeth; He has come for humble shepherds; He has come to you, poor and miserable sinner that you are, to save you from your sins. God and sinners are reconciled by the blood of this Christ Child. The song is for you: “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men!”
We face an uncertain future in our earthly walk with Christ. The Noble family is beginning a new adventure in the new year. With Pastor Noble’s departure, there will be a time of transition and change here at St. Paul’s—though I hope it won’t be too crazy. There will be illnesses and injuries; there will be changes at home and at work and school; loved ones will come and go and maybe even depart this life. In the midst of all this, the message of the angels remains the same: “Do not be afraid!” God in flesh is with you. He loves you. He will not leave you. He will not forsake you. Every trial, every temptation, every struggle: He is here to bear it with you. He is here to sustain you, to comfort you, to forgive you. He is here to give you peace.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, beloved children of
God, it is my privilege and pleasure as a humble messenger of God to bring you
good tidings of great joy, which are for you, for your neighbor, for all
people. Born to you is your King, your Temple,
your Refuge and Strength. Born to you is your Savior. He is Christ the Lord. Fear
not! Do not be afraid! In the name of the Father and of the Son (+) and of the
Holy Spirit. Amen.
The peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus always. Amen.