The Christmas reading from John 1:1-14 is one of my favorite portions of Holy Scripture. Especially moving is verse 14: "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."
Meditating on the grace which is explicit in that statement has a profound effect upon me, and I can't help but make the jump from Christmas, where the Word becomes incarnate, to those places in my own life where He makes His presence known to me in very real ways. John 1 can't help but be sacramental.
Immanuel—God Dwells With Us
1. Immanuel—God dwells with us.
To us a child is born!
The Word appears in human flesh
To save the lost, forlorn.
We praise You, Christ, Incarnate Word,
Who came our sins to bear.
Where two or three join in Your name
You make Your dwelling there.
2. Immanuel—God dwells with us
Through ordinary means.
When water joins your holy Word
Forgiveness, life it brings.
By Your command and promise, Lord,
It cleanses us from shame.
All nations need this holy flood
Which marks us with Your name.
3. Immanuel—God dwells with us
In body and in blood.
Through simple bread and wine, we taste
And see the Lord is good.
Your presence in this holy feast
Is our rich blessing, Lord.
Faith makes us worthy to receive
This gift by all adored.
4. Immanuel—God dwells with us.
Continue, Christ, we pray,
To grace us with Your presence here.
Lord Jesus, come and stay!
We gather ‘round these precious gifts
Through which we are Your own
Until that day You welcome us
Before our Father’s throne.
(c) Alan Kornacki, Jr.
C M D (86 86 86 86)
Alan, I see your poem is really a hymn! When I post it in Lutheran Writer, would it be alright to give the tunes as well? I like your blog page. My prayers for you on your Patmos! -- Gil
I appreciate the prayers.
Feel free to add the tunes to the hymn. I just didn't want to cloud the issue any.
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