Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hymn: Lord Jesus, We Confess Your Name

When I was in school, no matter the level, I was always better at working on assigned topics than I was at picking a topic and running with it. With this in mind I decided to seek suggestions for a hymn topic. I received a number of wonderful offerings from those I polled. This suggestion was offered by Jenny Jordan, a friend of my wife, who said she would like to see a hymn about great confessions of faith. As I said in a recent post, I have no plans to stop writing hymns any time soon, and I'm somewhat pleased with how this one turned out.

The following is my humble offering.

Lord Jesus, We Confess Your Name

1. Lord Jesus, we confess Your name.
From age to age, You're still the same.
With prophets and apostles blest
Who, with great boldness, have professed
Your holy name, Lord, grant that we
Adore You, Christ, on bended knee.

2. "Behold, the Lamb of God," John said,
Who to the wilderness was led,
Who in his mother's womb did spring
To mark the presence of his King.
With him, who knew he must decrease,
May our confession never cease.

3. We praise Your name with Peter, Lord,
Who, through the Father, spoke the Word,
Proclaiming you the promised One:
"You are the Christ, Lord, God's own Son."
Build up Your Church on this brave creed,
That we may rest on You, indeed.

4. Saint Stephen, now in heaven's band,
Who saw you there at God's right hand,
Stood trial for trusting You alone.
He called to You while being stoned,
Confessing you with his last breath.
May we, with him, hold You in death.

5. With angel and archangel host,
We praise You, Christ, in whom we boast,
Our Lord, our God, our Prince of Peace,
Whose blood our bondage won release.
Lord, keep us steadfast all our days,
That evermore Your name we raise.

(c) Alan Kornacki, Jr.
88 88 88

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