Friday, August 12, 2011

HYMN: O Jesus Christ, O Groom Divine

In honor of Evan and Bethany, whom God joins together tomorrow.

O Jesus Christ, O Groom Divine

1. O Jesus Christ, O Groom divine,
You cleansed Your Bride with blood outpoured.
In turning Cana's casks to wine
Your joy in marriage You afford.
Stretch forth Your mighty hand to bless
These two whom You unite as one
That in both peace and in distress
Their prayer may be, "Thy will be done."

2. As You have loved Your spotless Bride,
Let this man his dear bride adore
That, faithful, loving he abide
And seek no other evermore.
Teach him to honor and protect
This helper whom You freely give
That he may prize and not neglect
The treasure he does now receive.

3. As Your Bride clings to You alone
Let this, Your daughter, look to him,
The husband You in love made known.
Let her devotion never dim,
That she be steadfast, blameless, true--
A faithful helpmeet to the end.
Grant her forgiveness ever new
That he may be her greatest friend.

4. O God the Father who bestows
On Your dear children lavish love--
O God the Son who, herebelow,
Has raised Your Bride to dwell above--
O Holy Ghost, O God of grace,
Inspire the hearts of brides and men.
O Triune God, shine forth Your face
To bless this bride and groom. Amen.

© Alan Kornacki, Jr.

1 comment:

Rev. Alan Kornacki, Jr. said...

Feedback is appreciated. This is a rough draft, but I wanted to get it posted in honor of the happy couple.