Sunday, July 08, 2012

HYMN: Holy! Holy! Holy Lord!

After my liturgical nap after the Divine Service this morning, I opened my Bible to a random spot. Perhaps it's because I've read from this particular chapter quite often, but what turned up was Isaiah 6:1-13. It's one of my favorite portions of Scripture for a couple reasons. First, it shows a beautiful picture of heaven: the holy Lord on His throne being praised by the hosts of heaven. Second, it shows the dichotomy between the holy Lord and the sinful Isaiah--and yet the Lord chooses sinful Isaiah as His prophet to preach to a sinful nation. "Woe is me, for I am undone, because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips."

Having just come from receiving and distributing the Lord's Supper to His people this morning, and having sung the Sanctus, these things were fresh in my mind. I was pointedly reminded that I am a sinner, and I was reminded that the body and blood of Jesus are the coal which purifies my lips to preach the Word, to speak Holy Absolution, and to sing His praise.

With all this in mind, I sat down with my handy-dandy notebook (thank you, Steve and Blue's Clues!) to work on a hymn for the first time in months. (I've written two novels since I wrote my last hymn!) It's not a long hymn, but it doesn't have to be. I envision this as a Sanctus substitution a la Divine Service Four in Lutheran Service Book or as a Communion hymn. Feedback is appreciated.

Holy! Holy! Holy Lord!

1. Holy! Holy! Holy Lord!
Lord of hosts in glory shining,
Be by heav'n and earth adored
On Your mighty throne reclining.
Bless-ed be the One who came
In the Lord's most holy name.

2. Hail! Hosanna, David's Son!
Save this lost and sinful creature.
Woe is me! I am undone:
Fouled, my lips, and fouled, my nature.
Wash my soul of ev'ry sin.
Touch my lips and make me clean.

(c) Alan Kornacki, Jr.
78 78 77

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