Monday, December 10, 2012

HYMN: Behold the Promised Christ

While considering the one-year lectionary texts for Gaudete, the Third Sunday in Advent, an idea popped into my head. Based primarily on the Gospel, Matthew 10:2-11, with a little extra from Isaiah 40:1-11, this focuses (as John would have it) less on the Baptist and more on the Christ as the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy.

Behold the Promised Christ

1. Behold the Promised Christ
The Baptist once foretold.
Behold the Seed, fulfilling all
The prophecies of old.

2. The blind are given sight.
The lame are made to stand.
The lepers healed, the dead are raised
By His almighty hand.

3. Poor sinners, we receive
The comfort of the Word.
Go, tell the things you hear and see:
The blessings from the Lord.

4. Rejoice, both great and least.
Cry out here and abroad.
Lift up your voice. Be not afraid.
Rejoice! Behold your God!

(c) Alan Kornacki, Jr.
SM (66 86)
Tune: ST. THOMAS (LSB 331)

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