Saturday, July 04, 2015

HYMN: Father, Behold My Shield

My latest hymn is based on the readings for the Fifth Sunday After Trinity in the LSB 1-year Lectionary, especially the Gradual (Psalm 84:9,8) and Introit (parts of Psalm 27) with a little of the Epistle (I Peter 3:8-15) thrown in for good measure. This is an early draft, so there's work to be done yet, and any feedback would be appreciated.

Father, Behold My Shield

1. Father, behold my Shield,
Grace in the flesh revealed:
Behold Your Son, appointed!
Lord God of hosts, give ear.
In mercy, hear my prayer
For love of Your Anointed.

2. Ever my Helper be.
In mercy answer me,
My Light and my Salvation.
Courage and faith impart.
Strengthen my waiting heart
Against all accusation.

3. Teach me Your way, O Lord,
That I may trust Your Word
And love and serve my neighbor.
Grant that I faithfully
Confess the hope in me,
And let me never waver.

4. Father, behold my Shield.
To Christ my Lord I yield.
In Him no foes assail me.
If, for Your holy name,
Rivals should dare to blame,
My Shield will never fail me.

(c) 2015 Alan Kornacki, Jr.
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(The only tune for this meter in Lutheran Service Book is NUNC DIMITTIS, hymn 888. Were I to use this tune, I would want to alter it to lengthen some of the quarter notes.)

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