Friday, February 05, 2016

HYMN: Christ, Who Feeds Both Soul and Flesh

I admit with struggling with a hymn idea for the text of the Feeding of the 5000. I didn't want to be too literal, doing a retelling in rhymed verse. So instead of focusing on the numbers and the miracle, I went towards the teaching Jesus did in the text: God provides. So for Lent IV in the LSB 1-year lectionary, I combined the text, John 6:1-15, with the introit (Psalm 122:1; Isaiah 66:10-11) and Old Testament (Exodus 16:4) texts. Here's the result. Feedback is always a blessing.

Christ, Who Feeds Both Soul and Flesh

1. Christ, Who feeds both soul and flesh,
Raining bread from heaven,
Evermore my soul refresh
With Your holy leaven.

2. Fill me with Your daily bread.
Satisfy each yearning
With Your grace, O Christ, my Head,
Every day returning.

3. Teach me, Lord, to always seek
More than signs and wonders.
Let me crave each Word You speak
With Your voice that thunders.

4. Lead me to rejoice and cling
To Your every blessing
With each hymn of praise I sing,
Your good will confessing.

76 76 (Trochaic)
Suggested Temporary Tune: LASST UNS ALLE (LSB 390)
Text: John 6:1-15; Psalm 122:1; Isaiah 66:10-11; Exodus 16:4
Occasion: Lent IV

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