Sunday, August 11, 2019

Sermon for 8/11/19: Eight Sunday After Trinity

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Good Fruit and Bad Fruit

Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Appearances can be deceiving. You walk into a church. They have a nice cross on the wall. They use a hymnal not that different from ours. At first glance, it seems like it’s just like our church. But then you listen to the sermon, and you hear about how it doesn¹t matter really what you believe, as long as you’re sincere. You hear that anything done in the name of love, even things God condemns in the Bible, is good in the eyes of God. It looks like the church you grew up in, perhaps, but appearances can be deceiving.
These are messages spoken by the false prophets which Jesus warns against. We usually think of prophets as people who tell the future. But a prophet is someone who has been sent by God to preach His Word. John the Baptist is the perfect example of a prophet. He pointed the finger at Jesus and said, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” And your pastors have all been prophets. In warning against false prophets, Jesus warns against preachers who do not proclaim the Word of God rightly. These prophets will come to you. They will resemble, act like, and maybe even sound like the real thing. They will appear to be from God.
Think of the preachers and writers and speakers we are exposed to every day. We see them on television with their shining teeth and their powerful jacket swings. We read their best-selling books. We hear their messages of financial prosperity, social justice, and worldly love. We are all exposed to a huge number of different Gospels and versions of the truth. How is the Christian to make sense of it all? “Beware!” Jesus says. He warns against false prophets who will come in sheep’s clothing. It’s not hard to see Joel Osteen and Benny Hinn for what they are. But what about the churches and preachers that look so similar to ours, yet are so very different in what they believe and teach?
“By their fruits you shall know them.” The Christian faith is about Jesus. When you are called on to judge whether something is true or false, you go to the Word of God. This is the living voice of the Gospel. When you talk about truth and falsehood when it comes to the church, you go to the heart of the matter. Is salvation by Christ alone? Does the preaching hold up Jesus, or does it focus on your own works of the Law? Is Christ’s body and blood truly present in the Lord’s Supper? Does Baptism save? Does Christ speak the forgiveness of sins through the pastor? These questions and others get at the heart of the matter. No matter how amazing the preacher, no matter how enthralling the Christian book or movie, if it doesn’t hold up Christ alone for salvation, then it is not from God.
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.” And the will of the Father in heaven is that you believe in the One He has sent. In other words, the work of God and the will of God is that you trust in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation. That is how you are saved. It’s not what you do. Only faith in Christ saves. This faith is given to you in Holy Baptism and sustained by the Lord’s Supper.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, Jesus Himself is the true Prophet. He is the Lamb who was slain. He is the One who allowed Himself to be slaughtered by the wolves so that you will not be harmed. He has promised that the gates of hell itself will not prevail against His Church. You are the sheep of His pasture. Jesus is your Good Shepherd, who guards and protects you from all harm of both body and soul. And you know Him by His fruits.
God provides faithful pastors and preachers to give His flock the very best things of salvation. He has given you the Church as a place of refuge. He has given you a pastor to preach the word of forgiveness. He has washed you and made you white in the blood of the Lamb. He gives you His body and blood for the forgiveness of sins to sustain you for everlasting life. Christ Himself keeps watch over His people. He gives you the truth of His Holy Word to sustain you all the days of your life. And you know Him and His messengers by those good fruits. In the name of the Father and of the Son (†) and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus always. Amen.

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