Sunday, December 31, 2023

Sermon for 12/31/23: The Sunday After Christmas

CLICK HERE for the sermon audio.

No video this week. My apologies.

A Sword to Pierce the Heart
Luke 2:22-40


Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.


The Virgin Mary is a picture of the Church. Now, before you accuse me of becoming a Roman Catholic, let me explain. Think of Mary when Gabriel appears to her. Gabriel says she will give birth to the Son of God. Mary, a virgin, believes God’s messenger. She doesn’t question whether God can do what the angel promises God will do. God says it, and that settles it for her. She believes. In that way, Mary is a picture of the Church’s faith.

Now think of Mary’s obedience. She calls herself “the maidservant of the Lord.” Her service is to be the mother of the Savior. God chooses her. She doesn’t hesitate. As soon as God’s angel says she will give birth to the Son of God, she expresses her willingness to do whatever God wants her to do. Mary showed her faith in obedience. Mary is a picture of the Church’s obedience.

Now, finally, think of Mary as she stood under the cross. Mary watched her Son die. The sword Simeon said would pierce her soul has, indeed, pierced her soul. She was standing at the foot of the cross. She saw Him lifted up on the cross. She saw His anguish. She was there to witness it as He suffered and died for the sin of the world. Blood, sweat, agony, and unbearable sorrow combine to overwhelm Jesus to where He cried out the words to fulfill the Psalm: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Mary was there. Simeon’s prophecy came true. The sword pierced her soul.

So yes, Mary is a picture of the Church. She saw and felt the contempt of the world as she watched her son suffer and die; we receive that same contempt. Christ as a teacher of morality is praised as He is refashioned to promote moral philosophy or political ideology; Christ as the sacrifice for sin is rejected. We see this all too clearly today. Sin is no longer sin. When something sinful is even acknowledged as a problem—and that is seldom the case anymore—but when it is, it is viewed as some sort of dysfunction that requires proper therapy, not the crucifixion of the Son of God. When the Church speaks as Jesus and His apostles did of sins and mental disorders such as homosexuality, living together outside of marriage, abortion, euthanasia, gender dysphoria, and others, it is accused of hatred, bigotry, racism, discrimination, and, ironically, even inciting murder.

The pain Jesus suffered for our sins could not be felt by Mary or the Church. Only Jesus suffered divine retribution against the human race. Only Jesus is the Sacrifice to take away the sin of the world. Only Jesus turns aside God’s wrath against sin. Neither Mary nor the Church can participate in Christ’s suffering for our sins. Jesus suffered alone. No one shared His burden.

Nevertheless, we do have a share in His suffering. This is the sword that pierces our souls. More than that, this is grace. The sword that pierced Mary’s soul also pierces the soul of the Church. The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit. Simeon said to Mary that her Child would be “…a sign which will be spoken against, that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” The Word of God is the sword that pierces the soul. We read in Hebrews 4, “The Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” The same Word that brings joy to some brings anger to others. The same Gospel is folly for some and wisdom for others. Some stumble over it and are spiritually ruined; others embrace it in faith, find refuge in it, and rest secure in the forgiveness of sins.

We are coming to the end and the beginning of another year. As we leave the old and enter into the new, we can reminisce about the past and anticipate the future. Some things will not change. Souls will be scandalized and souls will be saved by the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. Even as Mary felt the shame heaped upon her Son when He was redeeming the world from all their sins, in the same way the Church will continue to feel the shameful disregard of Christ’s suffering and death by people who would rather rely on their own virtue than on God’s grace in Christ. What is most precious to Mary and to us is her dear Son. In the moment of His greatest triumph on the cross, where grace defeated sin and forgiveness for all sinners was won, the world turns away and wants nothing of it.

Like Mary, the Church lives under that cross. The Church doesn’t find her glory in her popularity with the world. She doesn’t seek the approval of those who trip, stumble, and fall over Christ, the Rock of our salvation. He is a Sign that will be spoken against. She knows this. Her glory is Christ’s crucifixion where she was forgiven of all her sins. This is her peace with God. Her glory invites the scorn of the world. She bears that scorn as an honor. Knowing that she suffers with Him who suffered for her brings her consolation, peace, and joy. So let this sword pierce your soul. It will not harm you; it will bring you life in Christ. In the name of the Father and of the (+) Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus always. Amen.

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