Tuesday, November 12, 2024

HYMN: Blessed Are You, O Lord, God of Our Fathers

I thought I was done with the Easter Vigil project. Then one of my circuit colleagues suggested I write a hymn text for the Song of the Three Young Men, which recounts the song of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego--also known as Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah--as they are in the fiery furnace at the order of King Nebuchadnezzar. 

Here is the first draft. Feedback is love.

Oh, and I have a couple more texts to post once their intended purpose is met. One is submitted for a district convention, and the other is written in honor of a beloved mentor. One you might not see until next summer, and the other is waiting on an original tune from a colleague who suggested writing the text in our mentor's honor in the first place.

Blesséd Are You, O Lord, God of Our Fathers

1. Blesséd are you, O Lord, God of our fathers,
Worthy of honor and glory and praise.
Blest be Your name, be it holy forever:
Blest in Your Temple for uncounted days.

2. Blesséd are You, O 
Lord, gazing with wisdom 
Into the deep from Your cherubim throne.
Blesséd are You on the throne of Your kingdom.
Blesséd are You in the heavens alone.

3. Bless you the Lord! Bless Him, all of creation!
Bless you the Lord! Raise your voices and sing!
Bless Him, you heavens; exalt Him with anthems
Sung to the Lord, to our wonderful King.

4. Bless you the Lord, all the host of the angels!
Bless Him, you waters above and below.
Bless Him, you sun, moon, and stars in the heavens!
Bless Him, you powers, whose wonders you show.

5. Bless Him, you winds, with your powerful blowing!
Bless Him, you cold and you heat in your time,
Springtime and harvest and summer and winter,
Rain, dew, and snow: falling water sublime.

6. Earth, bless the Lord, oh you hills and you mountains.
All things that grow in the ground, bless His name!
Bless you the Lord, all you seas, springs, and rivers,
Whales, turtles, dolphins, your praises proclaim!

7. Bless Him, you airborne, you birds ever flying.
Bless Him, you cattle, you beasts of the field.
Bless Him, O Israel, you sons, priests, and prophets.
Bless Him, you righteous, whose souls He has healed.

8. Bless Him, you holy, you humble in spirit.
Bless Him, you martyrs, you saints, holy throng.
Bless Him who rescues from death and dread Hades!
Saved from the furnace, oh, praise Him with song.

9. Thanks be to God for His generous goodness!
Thank You for mercy, O God, without end.
Bless God the Lord in your sweet songs of worship.
Oh, bless the Lord! Let your praises ascend.

Alan Kornacki, Jr., b. 1974
11 10 11 10
Easter Vigil; Song of the Three Young Men

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