Saturday, October 02, 2010

HYMN: Hosanna! Mighty Savior, Come

I was in a little bit of a funk this week about my hymn writing skills.  Then this morning I woke up, and this idea that had been percolating for about four months decided it needed to get itself out of my head and into my notebook.  No more funk.  No more comparing myself to those who have gone before.  No more worrying about how it will be received.  Just how writing is supposed to be.

The Last Sunday of the Church Year and the First Sunday in Advent are coming up, and in one lectionary or another, the reading for either is the triumphant entry into Jerusalem.  This hymn deals with that subject matter, utilizing the harmony of the Gospel accounts of the entry as well as the Introit for the Last Sunday of the Church Year.

Hosanna!  Mighty Savior, Come

1. Hosanna!  Mighty Savior, come--
Great King David's greater Son.
With fronds of palm prepare His way,
For Christ is present here today.
Hail!  Hosanna!

2. How bless-ed is the One who came
In the Lord's most holy name.
The prophet's words have all come true:
Behold your King now comes to you.
Hail!  Hosanna!

3. In glory You shall come again.
Yours shall be an endless reign.
Forsake us not, O gracious Lord.
Proclaim salvation through Your Word.
Hail!  Hosanna!

4. Until that great and glorious day,
Keep us in the narrow way.
Stir up your power, Lord, and come,
And bear us to our heav'nly home.
Hail!  Hosanna!

5. All saints and angels, martyr throng:
Raise th'eternal triumph song.
Praise God the Father and the Son
And Holy Spirit, three in one.
Hail!  Hosanna!

(c) Alan Kornacki, Jr.
87 88 4

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