Thursday, January 10, 2013

HYMN: Sing of Christ, Our Consolation

Okay, I'm a little behind in writing this, as the Sunday After Christmas was over a week ago. That's how these things work sometimes, especially when an idea sparks itself from something you've written in a sermon. Anyway, yes, this latest offering is based around the readings for the Sunday After Christmas in the LSB 1-year lectionary, and in particular the Gospel appointed for the day: Luke 2:22-40. I thought about focusing more on the Song of Simeon, the Nunc Dimittis, but there are so many rich themes in the text that led me in a different direction. A special hat tip goes to the Reverend Rick Stuckwisch, whose sermon for the day (and particularly the sermon title) got my creative juices flowing.

Your feedback would be appreciated. Anyway, here it is:

Sing of Christ, Our Consolation

1. Sing of Christ, our Consolation.
Sing of Christ in peace and joy.
Sing as we behold our Temple:
God’s own Son, a human Boy.
Word made flesh to dwell among us:
Death’s dominion to destroy.

2. Son of God and Son of Mary,
Born to crush the serpent’s head,
His own righteous Law fulfilling,
Sinless in the sinner’s stead.
Word made flesh to dwell among us:
Bathes us in the blood He bled.

3. Sing of Christ, our soul’s salvation.
Sing of Christ, our joy and peace.
Sing our Light in ev’ry darkness
Who from terror brings release.
Word made flesh to dwell among us:
Here all dread of sin to cease.

4. Mystery beyond all telling
In the water and the Word,
Here in Gospel proclamation,
In His flesh and blood adored.
Word made flesh to dwell among us:
Make us holy to the Lord.

© 2013
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