Sunday, March 10, 2013

HYMN: O Jesus Christ, Incarnate Word

I attended a conference for the writers of hymn texts at the end of January. I expected to return from it energized to write hymns. I was, indeed, energized. I did not, however, write any hymns. For over a month. I did some important editing on hymn texts I had already written--and believe me when I say that editing was and continues to be necessary for my texts--but I had nothing going on in the way of creativity. Of course, writing sermons for Sunday and for Lent, writing an article I submitted to Higher Things Magazine, and writing my newsletter article for St. Peter were certainly important word outputs. But I was beginning to think I'd never write another text.

Finally a new text has emerged. Based on the Propers for the Third Sunday in Lent (Oculi) in the LSB 1-year lectionary (and Luke 11:14-28 and the Introit from Psalm 25 in particular), this hymn deals with the account of Jesus casting out a demon by "the finger of God." I desperately wanted to get that phrase into this text, but I haven't figured it out quite yet. Any feedback would be appreciated.  Here it is:

O Jesus Christ, Incarnate Lord

1. O Jesus Christ, incarnate Lord,
Who casts out demons by the Word,
Defend me from the devil's horde
Through Your most holy name.

2. Stretch forth Your hand of majesty
To keep my soul. Deliver me
From perils of the enemy
Through Your most holy name.

3. Arise, O Lord! My foes assail.
Let not the world nor man prevail.
Shield me with grace that cannot fail
Through Your most holy name.

4. Your death atones for all my sin.
With Word and water draw me in
To stand by faith with God again
Through Your most holy name.

(c) Alan Kornacki, Jr.

1 comment:

RobbieFish said...
