Saturday, April 27, 2013

HYMN: A Little While, Christ Jesus Said

It felt nice to be wordsmithing again. It's been a while, and as always happens during these long breaks, I begin to think I'm never going to write another hymn. Anyway, this is based on the Propers for the Fourth Sunday of Easter (Third Sunday After Easter) in the LSB 1-year Lectionary, specifically the Gospel: John 16:16-22. As always, feedback is appreciated.

A Little While, Christ Jesus Said

1. “A little while,” Christ Jesus said,
To disciples filled with fear.
“Days must come of deepest dread,
For you will not see Me here.
To the Father I must go.
At that time your tears will flow.

2. “But then shall come the little while
When you will see Me once more.
Though the world gives bitter bile,
All your joy I will restore—
Joy with me in endless day,
Joy which none can take away.”

3. Lord, guilt my conscience does oppress
With the anguish of my sin.
Cleanse me of my wretchedness.
Let Your little while begin.
Speak Your all-forgiving Word.
Stay the wrath my sin incurred.

4. When worldly scorn burns hot as coal,
When the hordes against me scheme,
With Your presence soothe my soul
In the sweet baptismal stream.
Let no strife true joy erode
While I walk this pilgrim road.

© 2013, Alan Kornacki, Jr.
87 77 77

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