Tuesday, August 03, 2021

HYMN: Fear Not, Fear Not, O Zion

After a bit of a hiatus, I’ve come back around to the Easter Vigil hymn project I’m working on with the Reverend Doctor John Fleischman. As I’ve said before, this isn’t exactly in my wheelhouse, but I’ve enjoyed the process nonetheless. This particular text is based on Zephaniah 3:12-20, which speaks of God gathering His people. 

Unlike my previous texts for the Easter Vigil project, I didn’t include an introductory stanza. I don’t know if this particular text needs it; I repeat the concept of God gathering His people throughout the text. Anyway, here it is. Feedback is love.

Fear Not, Fear Not, O Zion

for the Easter Vigil

The Gathering of God’s People—Zephaniah 3:12-20

1. Fear not, fear not, O Zion! 

Rejoice! Oh, shout and sing!

The mighty One will save you:

The Lord, your God and King.

Behold, the King is with you

To guard you in the fray.

No judgment stands against you.

Your foes He drove away.

2. Fear not, fear not, O Zion!

Let not your hands grow weak, 

For He shall be the refuge

Of all the humble, meek.

Their lips speak no deception.

Their deeds shall bring no shame.

No evil shall befall them

Who call upon His name.

3. Fear not, fear not, O Zion.

Oppressors meet their end.

The outcast He will gather.

On Him you may depend:

To praise you to the nations,

To calm your every fear,

To gather you together.

The Lord is with you here.

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